Knight of Cups tarot card meaning
romance, seduction, love, tenderness, emotion,
jealousy, irrationality, hypersensitivity, sadness, impulsiveness,
Among all the minor arcana in the Tarot, the Knight of Cups is undoubtedly one of the most appreciated by cartomancy adepts. This popularity is due to his extreme sensitivity and his extraordinary ability to love.
Unlike the Knight of Swords, for example, the Knight of Cups doesn't ride a powerful warhorse, his horse is small and calm. On the upwards facing palm of his right hand rests a large golden cup, the symbol of love and of the suit to which he belongs. As if obsessed by his quest, the young blonde rider can't turn his eyes away from the object. This singular behavior suggests that the cup contains an important message that needs to be kept safe.
His left hand holds the horse's reins. The hold doesn't look strong, as if the rider likes being guided by his horse as much as he enjoys being led by his passion and his emotions. In some versions of the tarot, the animal is colored blue, a shade usually associated with the world of instinct. It represents the different emotional states that the Knight is willing to traverse in his search for love.

What havoc a being can wreak through sheer force of charm.
In the short term, the Knight of Cups is often associated with the sudden arrival of a very charming person in your daily life. Filled with affection and always able to say the right thing, they can play an important role in your life and make a lasting contribution to your destiny. But make sure that their words are followed up with actions.
In the long run, the Knight of Cups encourages you to get closer to your emotions and to trust your instincts. Just learn to temper your emotions by relying on the advice of your loved ones. This sensitivity will allow you to act in a way that reflects your true self.
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Knight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning
Knight of Cups upright

So you can better understand the different facets of this character, you need first of all to understand the function of the knights in the world of the Tarot. These characters are traditionally associated with the idea of something being set in motion and how the action unrolls. They indicate that change is happening or that an important person is about to enter the seeker's life.
What should you remember about the Knight of Cups' personality? Just that it is one of the most romantic and tender characters of the tarot. In love with love, he never stops looking for a soul mate and is capable of using exceptional creativity to satisfy his need for union. He has the most female anima of all the knights.
The Knight of Cups' behavior is governed by instinct and by the emotions he feels. Sometimes they are powerful or destabilizing but they allow him to act in perfect harmony with his innermost being. He also uses his sensitivity to charm his family and friends. The Knight of Cups is an original and poetic person who has learned to use his creative faculties to develop a life that truly reflects who he is.
Knight of Cups reversed

When drawn upside down, the Knight of Cups often indicates a person who is deeply immature from an emotional point of view, and as such people who cross his path find them difficult to understand. They make decisions impulsively, not taking into account the consequences they may entail. Flooded by emotions, the reversed Knight of Cups is very unstable, which will prevent him from clearly understanding the situations that come his way.
Sometimes this draw may also remind you that appearances are often misleading. Someone may have aroused the seeker's emotions, charmed by the creativity and verve of the seducer. But the aims of this person were not as noble as expected... In this case, you should be mistrustful of people who suddenly appear in your everyday life and take time to get to know them well before giving them your trust.