Page of Cups tarot card meaning
love, passion, tenderness, sensitivity, message,
emotional block, sadness, hypersensitivity, impracticality, ambivalence,
Like all 4 pages of the Tarot, the Page of Cups is a young character, who could be compared to a teenager, to use a modern term. Lacking experience of life, however, doesn't prevent him from having well-marked character traits, as the symbolism inherent in the card suggests.
Unlike the Page of Wands, the Page of Cups faces the left side of the card. This position is not random: this character is associated with the world of emotion and romance, perhaps more than any other card of the divinatory tarot. I don't need to remind you that the human heart, the universal symbol of passion and love, is situated on the left.
With long, curly hair, the Page of Cups looks like a delicate and sensitive being. For him, feelings take precedence, and desire for social success rarely occupies his thoughts. This particular relationship with the world is perfectly conveyed by his small, hesitant steps, as if the young page, aware of the violence of his emotions, always stumbles before he acts. Although he knows he will be perfectly fulfilled by love, he also dreads the suffering linked to failed love affairs.
In his right hand the young page is holding the cup which gives him his name. And he naturally moves in that direction, like a child towards its mother's arms. Note that the cup is covered by a veil, as if the cherub is frightened at the idea of fully revealing its riches. The lid in his left hand also reflects his great caution. In fact, the page will not hesitate to close the cup, just as he will close his heart if he feels it is in danger.

Every passion speaks a different language.
In the short term, the Page of Cups announces your sensitivity. The obligations of daily life sometimes prevent you from paying enough attention to your emotions. They cut you off from who you really are. I invite you to open the floodgates and pay attention to what your instinct is trying to tell you. Learn how to let your heart speak.
In the long term, the Page of Cups teaches you that fulfillment inevitably comes from combining emotion and reflection. Sensitivity should serve you as a guide, putting the spotlight on projects or values that are really important to you. Reason serves as a counterbalance. It will decide whether this impulse for change is justified.
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Page of Cups Tarot Card Meaning
Page of Cups upright

Before analyzing the message of the Page of Cups in more detail, I think it's important to recall the function of the pages in the Tarot. Above all, the Page of Cups should be looked on as a messenger, one who comes with a call to action. Its place lies precisely between the accumulation of knowledge and setting that knowledge in motion. It can be considered as the spark that triggers the movement, like a small fire that pushes you to experiment and change.
Out of all the pages, the Page of Cups is without a shadow of a doubt the one who is most intimately linked to the world of instinct, love and emotion. With him, there is never any question of a career plan or an investment opportunity. What counts above all in his eyes is what makes us human. His qualities of empathy and listening are great assets in the context of romantic or friendly relationships. Although his great sensitivity can sometimes be surprising, it allows him to better understand the difficulties his loved ones are going through and to understand the desires buried in his unconscious.
For the Page of Cups, the heart always rules the head. This is a deeply instinctive being, completely in touch with the emotions he feels. Although these feelings are sometimes misleading, most often they are a particularly effective guide, able to lead the young man in the direction that best suits his personality.
Page of Cups reversed

When it appears upside down, the Page of Cups' qualities become defects. His sensitivity is poorly controlled, and his rapidly changing mood makes fitting in socially very difficult. In short, the Page of Cups becomes a character of great emotional immaturity. This liability sometimes pushes him into difficult relationships, driven by the simple need for emotional dependence. This often gives birth to a feeling of oppression in a partner. Dissatisfaction then grows in both parties.
The emotional insecurity associated with the Page of Cups favors a form of isolation, as the seeker's mood swings gradually become less and less acceptable to their family and friends.