The Sun tarot card meaning
clarity, success, fulfillment, esteem, peace,
doubt, excess, blockage, discord, sadness,
Without a shadow of a doubt, the Sun, the 19th arcana of the Tarot, is one of the most well-liked cards by adepts of cartomancy. Bearer of a particularly positive message, it displays a single protagonist – the Sun – which occupies the top part of the card. Shown at its zenith, the Sun emits powerful, comforting rays of yellow, red, blue and black. Some of them are very straight, referring to the light, and others are wavy. It is, above all, warmth that is portrayed. Multi-colored drops extend these rays, indicating the power the Sun has to feed. The character has a human face and looks straight ahead. The impassive expression makes this a timeless character. The whole scene is very serene.
Standing on the ground below, two children are enjoying the Sun’s rays. They are only wearing underpants, which is probably meant to reflect their gentle innocence. Like angels, these children have nothing to hide and are simply enjoying the Sun in complete freedom. One of them has their hand on the neck of the other and the second is touching the solar plexus of the first.
The little wall behind them evokes the Sun’s protective qualities, like a shepherd watching over their flock or a father aware of the needs of his family. It also refers to the concrete quality of the Sun’s action, the opposite of that of The Moon, which works in the world of instinct, and what is invisible.

There is an unspeakable dawn in a happy old age.
In the short-term the Sun announces success and dynamism. This arcana is also favorable for romantic encounters, wide ranging projects and career development. It encourages you to act and have confidence in your undeniable strengths. You know what you have to do now!
In the long term the Sun will act as a guide over the whole of your life. Thanks to it you will be able to be self-denying in a way that will allow you to successfully achieve your objectives. Your good humor and communication will shine over everyone you have relationships with.
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The Sun Tarot Card Meaning
The Sun upright

It’s not hard to understand the positive implications contained in the Sun. Our star has always, at all times, fascinated civilizations, whatever their location or their culture. So it’s not by chance either that it has an enormously benign influence in the world of the Tarot. From a general point of view, the Sun should be looked on as our main life force, a fascinating force that nurtures Nature and humankind and allows them to flourish. This arcana represents the provider who guides their family along the path of serenity and fulfillment. It is the mysterious and vital cog that allows life to survive in space and time, the powerful spark that allows us to face the most difficult obstacles, the benefactor whose only interest is that you are happy and content.
This positive influence is likely to be felt in all areas of your life. In your love live, the Sun is associated with true love and long lasting relationships. In the professional sphere, it helps the seeker who is looking to advance their career or become financially solvent. On a personal level it helps the seeker to embrace truly human values that will also shine on their family and friends. The sense of fulfillment and calm emanating from the seeker will be a strong source of inspiration for their loved ones.
The Sun reversed

When the Sun is drawn reversed it evokes the difficulties that the seeker is experiencing at the moment and indicates that they won’t be able to surmount them just yet. The nourishing aspect of this star is greatly reduced and its light doesn’t shine as brightly as usual. This means there are serious risks of analyzing a situation in too dark a light, in a counterproductive state of mind which will slow down the seeker’s development. It is important to take the time to think carefully and develop a strategy for getting out of this current state. In this context the support of your family and friends will be particularly important.
On the other hand, in other situations drawing the Sun reversed could lead the seeker to be clumsy when seeking to use the confidence the Sun gives them. This is where arrogance can raise its head, which can in turn cause counterproductive misunderstandings. This inappropriate behavior could also have repercussions in the seeker’s professional life. It is therefore essential to always act in a way that is empathetic, respects others and is temperate.