The Tower tarot card meaning
change, transformation, regeneration, reconstruction, questioning,
crisis, failure, rupture, upheaval, illusion,
Like Death, the Tower provokes ambivalent reactions within the community of Tarot users. This is easily explained by the brutal appearance of the card, which nevertheless is likely to bring the fertile ground that is essential to the renewal of life.
From a visual point of view, Arcana XVI features two characters falling from a tall square tower. Despite their somewhat uncomfortable situation, the protagonists don't seem too worried by their fate, as evidenced by their serene expressions. The blue of their clothes testifies to their passivity. The symbolism of the fall, of course, refers to the ideas of failure and disillusionment, two essential components of human destiny, life being inherently unpredictable and cyclical.
In the center of the card is a tall square tower. It has black windows and a multitude of multicolored balls are escaping from its burning roof. The Tower is fascinating in that it is difficult to know if the fire is internal in the tower - it would then be caused by the ignorance or arrogance of humans - or completely external. It would then be the result of a superior force, such as lightning for example.
However, be careful not to misinterpret this arcana. Although the fire is destroying the work of humans and forcing them to fall, it also has a powerful revitalizing force. In this way, the colored balls escaping from the destruction should be viewed as new energy, essential to the reconstruction. After all, is not destroying to rebuild like dying to be reborn?

Because life is eternally beginning anew we have never finished with love.
In the short term, the Tower is usually associated with the idea of upheaval. Some events or people may lead you to question the whole edifice of your life that you have built. Don't fight against this change, life being by nature cyclical and unpredictable. As spring always follows winter, it will allow you to rebuild on new foundations.
In the long run, the Tower will allow you to take some form of perspective on life and its events. After all, if everything is a matter of choice, no choice is truly better than any other. The situation is therefore propitious if you want to learn to relativize and not be so affected by small everyday anxieties.
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The Tower Tarot Card Meaning
The Tower upright

The Tower reversed

Drawn upside down, the Tower becomes a precious tool with teaching you should benefit from. It puts the seeker face to face with their problems and blockages, but without exposing them directly to situations that are too drastic. By warning them of the potential dangers they are heading into, the card assumes the role of advisor. To evolve on the path of life, it's important to listen to this card's message and to change course before it is too late.
In some situations, a reversed draw of the Tower reflects the difficulties experienced by the seeker in dealing with changes. While it is sometimes natural to be afraid of leaving the safety of your cocoon, persisting in obvious errors is particularly dangerous. It is then that the fear of pain takes over and pushes the seeker to remain totally inactive. This situation is in no way sustainable, it only postpones the inevitable. It is therefore better to face up to the truth at once and embrace change, the latter often proving to be beneficial.