The World tarot card meaning
achievement, happiness, success, fullness, harmony,
slowdown, doubt, obstacles, hostility, unforeseen,
The 21st major arcana of the Tarot, the World is definitely the card most appreciated by members of the cartomancy community. This is, of course, not a coincidence: like that of Strength (note: add internal link) for example, its message has a particularly positive connotation. Before going into more detail, let's first focus on its visual symbolism.
The card features a woman dancing in the center of a yellow, blue and red laurel wreath. She is surrounded by 4 characters, each of them occupying one corner of the card. An angel, an eagle, a lion and a bull are represented, symbolizing without a shadow of a doubt the 4 elements, but also the 4 tarot suits.
Note that the young woman is holding a wand in her hand, like the one we have already seen in the hand of The Magician. This accessory reflects the character's self-control, but also her knowledge and her capacity to lead. Her left leg crossed behind her supporting foot recalls that of The Hanged Man. These similarities almost certainly refer to the idea of completing a cycle and beginning a new period.
The woman's nudity indicates her purity and her long, loose hair her great freedom. The oval shape of the laurel wreath surrounding her refers to nature and also to fertility.

Evaluating life doesn’t mean refusing it, on the contrary it means accepting it in all its fullness.
In the short term, the World is associated with the beginning of a new cycle. You will quickly see new opportunities emerging and you will be filled with a sense of inner calm. This exceptional situation is in fact a reward for all the efforts you have been making for many years now. Make the most of it and don't deprive yourself of the enjoyment!
In the long term, this card will allow you to feel fully integrated with the world and society. Your role in the universe now makes perfect sense and you know the place you want to occupy. This joie de vivre and serenity are here to stay. Your loved ones will undoubtedly enjoy this contagious happiness.
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The World Tarot Card Meaning
The World upright

Not without reason, the World is the card most appreciated by followers of the Tarot. It's difficult indeed to find any dark side to the influence that it will exert on the seeker's life! From a general point of view, this card is associated with an unparalleled period of achievement. It symbolizes all that is beautiful, stable and sustainable in a human life.
After having overcome many obstacles, and triumphed over periods of doubt and questioning, the seeker will finally be able to reap the fruits of their labors. One cycle of life has just ended and a particularly fruitful period is now beginning. And it's not likely to end anytime soon, as shown by the presence of the bull on the left corner of the map, an animal related to the idea of calm and continuing development.
From a personal point of view, the World indicates the seeker's perfect understanding of the place they occupy in the world and their society. They now understand their role, the causes that are important to them and the moral values they want to live by. This wisdom has removed all doubt from their mind and allows them to focus exclusively on their true goals.
A particular aura emerges from a seeker placed under the influence of the World. Like a magnetic force, it attracts and influences the people who cross its path. The perfect situation for you to do good around you and help those who need it.
The World reversed

When drawn upside down, the World encourages the seeker not to change their course and to continue their efforts. Although the rewards of the work they are doing can't be felt yet, they won't be long in coming. Therefore, it's essential the seeker doesn't become discouraged by the slightest upset and understands that some obstacles are momentarily slowing their development. By being consistent and strictly adhering to the values they believe in, the seeker will quickly achieve their goals.
Sometimes, a reversed World evidences the pronounced materialism of the seeker, often resulting from a misplaced ego. While it is normal to be proud of what you have accomplished and to enjoy the fruits of your labors, it is equally important to act in accordance with higher values. Altruism, empathy, and love are some of the emotions that can reduce that little sin of pride.